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Q: What type of guadrilateral has one pair of parallel sides but the are not always the same length?
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Related questions

What does a guadrilateral with two parallel sides look like?

A trapezoid

What figure has 1 pair of parallel sides but the sides are not always the same length?

A trapezoid?

What type of quadrilateral has one pair of parallel sides but the sides are not always the same length?


How many sides does a guadrilateral have?


How many sides does a guadrilateral?


What is word for a parallelogram with no equal sides and equal sides?

I'm not sure what you're asking for, but parallelograms always have parallel sides which are equal in length.

What is a guadrilateral in which the opposite sides are parllel and congruent?


Does trapezium have parallel sides?

A trapezium has two parallel sides (of unequal length) and two non-parallel sides.

Does a trapezium always have equal sides?

No. A normal trapezium has two parallel sides that are not equal in length, and two other sides joining the ends of the parallel sides which may be equal, but are usually not. If all four sides of a trapezium were equal in length, it would be called a rhombus as the sides would be parallel in pairs; and if the angles were 90° as well, it would be called a square.

Does a kite always has one pair of parallel sides?

a kite does not have parallel sides . It also has 2 pair of sides which are of equal length which are adjacent to each other (not opposite each other - such a s in a parallelogram)

Which shape has opposite sides that are both equal in length and parallel and always has four right angles?

A rectangle.

Does a rhombus has two parallel sides?

Yes opposite sides are parallel and equal in length