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They are regular polygons.

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Q: What type of polygon ia a square and an equilateral triangle?
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Polygon in which all sides are congruent?

Equilateral triangle or any other type of a regular polygon.

What is an example of an equilateral polygon?

An equilateral polygon is one in which all sides are congruent. The angles may or may not be congruent. The simplest example is an equilateral triangle which must also be equiangular and so is a regular polygon. A rhombus is an equilateral quadrangle. The rhombus, in general, is not regular - only the square (a special type of rhombus) is regular.

A regular polygon is defined to be what type of polygon with congruent sides and congruent angles?

The answer is in your question it is defined to be a regular polygon as for example an equilateral triangle

What type of polygon has measures of 60 degrees in each angle?

An equilateral triangle is a polygon that has a measure of 60o for each angle.

What type of triangle is made by cutting a square diagonally in half?

A right angle triangle or an isosceles triangle.

What type of polygon has one opposite side parallel is it a triangle or square or a parallelogramor a rhombus?

a square

Types of polygons?

A type of polygon is a rhombusial polygon, trysectalnict polygon, and a equilateral polygon.

What type of figure is a polygon?

A triangle, a square, a rectangle, a pentagon are all polygons.

What type of triangle is an equilateral?

a equilateral triangle has all the sides the same length.

What type of triangle is always an equiangular triangle?

An equilateral triangle.

Which type of triangle has congruent angles?

Equilateral triangle

What type of polygon is triangle?
