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A line that slopes to the right and up has a positive slope.

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Q: What type of slope does a line that slopes upward have?
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What type of correlation is a straight line with no slope?

The straight line with no slope is a point

What type of line dose not have a defined slope?

a vertical line

How can you tell from a graph on a line what type of slope it has?

If the line slants up and to the right, it has a positive slope. If it is slanting up and to the left, it has a negative slope.

Which type of lines pass through points (-27) (36) and (42) (91)?

Points: (-2, 7) and (3, 6) the slope is -1/5 Points: (4, 2) and (9, 1) the slope is -1/5 Both slopes are the same and so therefore they are parallel lines

What type of slope does perpendicular lines have?

Th opposite reciprocal. So if one line has a slope of 2 then the other line will have a slope of -1/2

What is a line wxtending from the upper lift to the lower right has this type of slope?

The line has a negative slope (or negative gradient).When the angle between the line and the positive direction of Ox is obtuse then the slope is negative. Conversely, when the angle is acute, the slope is positive.

A line extending from the upper left to the lower right has this type of slope?

A line extending from the upper left to the lower right has a negative slope.

What type of line has a defined slope?

Any continuous line as long as it does not have a vertical section.

What type of line would be impossible to find using the point slope form method?

A line whose slope is not constant or not defined. A curved line, a discontinuous line, a vertical line are some examples.

What line is steeper y equals 5x-2 or y equals 3x plus 10?

I won't tell you directly, but I will explain how to find out to you. In the type of equation you are faced with now (y=mx+b), m represents the slope. So, in y=3x+10, the slope is 3. Now, find the slope of the other equation and see which is greater. Lines with greater slopes are steeper.

What is the type of line that has an undefined slope?

A line that is vertical, or going up and down like a pencil.

What type of slope does a line that rises from left to right have?
