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Q: What value in an equation that does not change?
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What is the equation for percent change?

% change = |original value - new value|/original value * 100%

What is the definition of linear equation?

A linear equation has a constant rate of change, or slope (change in y (dependent) value over change in x (independent) value), when graphed forms a straight trend line, and is in the format y=mx+b (y is dependent value, m is slope, x is independent value, and b is the y-intercept (the value of y when x=0).

How do you know if a value a is a solution to an equation?

If this value a satisfy the equation, then a is a solution for that equation. ( or we can say that for the value a the equation is true)

Why is it important to do the same things to both sides of an equation?

In an equation, the left side has the same value as the right side. The importance of doing the same thing to both sides is to keep the value of both sides the same so the equation does not change.

What is the equation for calculating gradient earth science?

Gradient= change in field value divided by the distance

Find percent of change from 60 to 36?

Using the equation of percent of change.(Original Value - Current Value) / Originalvalue *100% = Percent change(60 - 36 ) / 60 *100 = 40%40% is the percent change

When you find the value of a variable you solve or check an equation?

when you find the value, you SOLVED the equation. you CHECK the equation when you substitute the value in the variables place and check that the equation is true.

Is to an equation is any value of the variable that makes the equation true?

Such a value is said to be a solution, or a root, of the equation.

What does a variable do in a math problem?

Variables in a math problem vary or change. If in an equation, different variables change values depending on constants, evanuations, etc. For example: in y = x + 2, y can be any number as long as x is that number plus two. The varibles in this equation change value but are defined by the equation.

Which equation has the same unknown value as 430 5?

"430 5" is not an equation and it does not have an unknown value. So there can be no equation which has the same unknown value.

What has to happen in order for a line to be formed?

If you mean when an equation or data set is graphed, then I can answer. For an equation to be linear (create a line on a graph) it must be in the y=mx+b format, with y being the y-value, x being the x-value, b being the y-intercept (the value of y when x is 0) and m being the constant rate of change, or slope (the change in y/the change in x).

What do you call a number that stands alone in an equation?

In an equation, a number that stands alone is called a constant. It is a fixed value that does not change during the equation or its solution.