

What values and interests are needed to be an accounted?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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You need to be honest, responsible, and dependable. You need to like mathematics, economics, and business.

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Q: What values and interests are needed to be an accounted?
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It is common for individuals to outgrow their initial career choices due to changes in their interests, values, or shifts in the job market. It is important for individuals to reassess their career path and make adjustments as needed to ensure fulfillment and success. Seeking guidance from career counselors or mentors can be beneficial in identifying career opportunities that align with their current goals and values.

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Yes, behaviors, values, and interests can be common to a culture as they are shaped by the social norms, beliefs, and traditions within that culture. These elements help to define the identity and characteristics of that particular group of people.

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Working with a person with the centred values reduces abuses because his interests are taken cares of.

What is the collective perspective shared by members of a culture?

values and interests.

What values and interests are needed to become a fashion designer?

If someone wants to be a fashion designer, they should be good at coordinating colors and sewing. Fashion designers should also have a desire to learn more about the industry and are able to take criticism.

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The beliefs, behaviors, values, and forms shared by a particular group of people