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Length of the rope, speed at which the pendulum is moving, friction between the rope and the air, the rope and its suspension point, and within the rope itself.

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Q: What variables might affect the number of cycles the pendulum makes in 15 seconds?
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What 3 variables that might affect the number of cycles the pendulum makes in 15 seconds?

The length of the pendulum, the angular displacement of the pendulum and the force of gravity. The displacement can have a significant effect if it is not through a small angle.

Does the length of the pendulum affect the number of cycles?

no. it affects the period of the cycles.

What variable might affect the number of cycles the pendulum makes in fifteen seconds?

The period of the pendulum can be influenced by the local magnitude of gravity, by the length of the string, and by the density of the material in the swinging rod (which influences the effective length).It's not affected by the weight of the bob, or by how far you pull it to the side before you let it go.

What is the frequency of 3cycles in 12 seconds?

3 cycles / 12 seconds = 0.25 cycles / second, or 0.25 Hz.3 cycles / 12 seconds = 0.25 cycles / second, or 0.25 Hz.3 cycles / 12 seconds = 0.25 cycles / second, or 0.25 Hz.3 cycles / 12 seconds = 0.25 cycles / second, or 0.25 Hz.

A pendulum has a period of 1 5 secounds How Many cycles do you have to count to make one minute?

assume the cycle starts when the pendulum is at the top left. It will go to the bottom, to the top right, to the bottom and then back to the top left. The time it takes it to do this is the period. 60 seconds in a minute and 60 divide by 15 is 4. Therefore you will have 4 cycles.

The main economic variables that affect business cycles?

Recessions and periods of economic growth as the efficient response to exogenous changes in the real economic environment.

What is the time period of a pendulum which oscillates 40 times in 4 seconds?

Period of a pendulum (T) in Seconds is: T = 2 * PI * (L/g)1/2 L = Length of Pendulum in Meters g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2 PI = 3.14 The period is independent of the mass or travel (angle) of the pendulum. The frequency (f) of a pendulum in Hertz is the inverse of the Period. f = 1/T

How many times the pendulum of the clock moves in 30 minutes?

That depends on the period of the clock's pendulum. If we assume it's one second, then it does 1800 cycles in half an hour.

How do humans affect the cycles in nature?

Humans affect the cycles by performing certain activites. They cut down trees, pollute water bodies.

Does the force gravity speed up the period of a pendulum?

At greater gravitational force, the frequency (the number of cycles per second) will be higher.

Is the relationship between the number of pendulum swings and time direct or inverse?

swings = cycles x time ; it is a direct relationship with time

How do people affect the nutrient cycles?

they die