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Q: What was 2012 NFC championship coin toss heads or tails?
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What was 2012 AFC championship coin toss heads or tails?


Was the 2012 AFC championship game coin toss heads or tails?


Was the bears packers NFC championship game coin toss heads or tails?

Tails !! I win !!

Was the 2012 pro bowl coin toss heads or tails?


What are the possible outcomes for 2 tosses of a coin?

Heads+Heads ; Heads+Tails ; Tails+Tails

If a coin is tossed 3 times what is the probability of 3 heads?

There are 8 possible outcomes when a coin is tossed 3 times. Here they are:1. Heads, Heads, Tails.2. Heads, Tails, Heads.3. Tails, Heads, Heads.4. Heads, Heads, Heads.5. Tails, Tails, Heads.6. Tails, Heads, Tails.7. Heads, Tails, Tails.8. Tails, Tails, Tails.There is only one outcome that is heads, heads, heads, so the probability of three heads coming up in three coin tosses is 1 in 8 or 0.125 for that probability.

Was coin toss heads or tails?


What is the probability that a coin lands on its heads and tails?

The probability of the coin flip being heads or tails is 100%.

How many outcomes are there when tossing a coin three times?

1heads heads heads 2heads heads tails 3heads tails heads 4heads tails tails 5tails tails tails 6tails tails heads 7tails heads tails 8tails heads heads

How can you decide which is heads or tails on a coin?

Heads have a person on it. Tails have something else on it.

What is the probability in percent that a single coin toss will result in heads and tails?

The probability is 0%. The result will be heads or it will be tails but it cannot be heads and tails.

Is it more likely for a coin to end on heads or tails?

The probability of a fair coin landing on heads or tails is even, i.e. 50/50.