Her parents were Marie-Madeleine Germain and Ambroise-Franҫois Germain
this website stinks!!
It was Ambroise-Franҫois Germain.
yes, they were. They were for over 100 years.
shes evil,creepy,and she absolutely HATES EVERYONE
Sophies's main mathematical accomplishment was Germain's Theorem.
her family and her teachers and espesically gauss the teacher which brought her into school
she was the first woman to win a award and becoming what she wanted to be a mathematicians.
There names are Sophie, Scooter and Rodeo
His daughters names are Josie Lynne and Sophie
Yes they are, they have different last names because Sophie is married.
Sophie Germain had two brothers named Michel-Juste and Armand.
Peep Show - 2003 Sophie's Parents 4-1 is rated/received certificates of: UK:15