

What was googol named after?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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15y ago

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the web site googol/Google

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Q: What was googol named after?
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Who named googol?

Milton sirotta coined the term googol!

What is the name of that movie starring Kumar but he was named googol?

The Namesake

Does Google have 100 zeros?

No, but a googol (after which the search engine Google was named as a pun) does - a googol is 10100 which is a one followed by 100 zeros.

What is 99999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999?

Oh, dude, that's a big number! Like, that's like... a lot of 9s. Technically, if you add all those 9s up, you'd get like... a really huge number. But, like, who's got time for that, am I right?

What year was googol named?

Not sure of the exact date or even year but it was in the 1940s.

What comes after one googol-plex?

To write a googolplex down, you would have to make a one, followed by ten thousand trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, zeroes. There are no named numbers past googol plex, but you could write 'googol plex and one, googol plex and two,' and so on.

What is a googol plus a googol?

2 googol

What are the numbers higher than googol?

googol and one, googol and two, googol and three...

Is googol the highest number?

in my agenda at school, there is a little fact that the number centrillion, has 500 zeros. but, there is probaby a higher number out there. a googol is 1 followed by 100 zeros, but higher named number is a googolplex which is one followed by googol number of zeros - that's a lot of zeros!

How many googols are there in googol square googol?

There are (googol+1) of them.

Is googol the highest number in the world?

No. A googol is 10 to the 100th power (10^100). But the Latin-based named number "centillion" is much larger (10^303 short scale).The largest commonly used number is based on the googol : a googolplex is 10 to the googol power (10 to the 10^100 power)

How is a googol expressed mathematically?

Googol can be written as googol or 10^100.