

What was the contribution to the pythagoream theorem?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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eat a big Oscar myer weinner losers

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Q: What was the contribution to the pythagoream theorem?
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Who made the pythagoream theorem?

Pythagorus did hints the name "Pythagoream Theorem."

How do pilots use the pythagoream theorem?

theres no answerc gosh

What triangle does pythagoream theorem refer to?

A right angle triangle

Does the Pythagoream Theorem Work on all triangles?

No, only right triangles

How did Pythagoras make his discoveries?

He spent years calculating and decalculating until he created the pythagoream theorem

How can pythagoream theorem be used to find a missing side length of a right triangle?

It can be found by: hypotenuse squared minus known side squared = unknown side squared

What is pythagoream theorem?

Ptythagoras' theorem states that for any right angle triangle its hypotenuse when squared is equal to the sum of its base squared plus its height squared. The formula: a2+b2 = c2 where a and b are the base and height respectively and c being the hypotenuse

What does pythagoream mean?


Main contribution of research in development?

The main contribution is the development of new theorem in the subject area

Name of mathematician and their contribution?

Pythagoras. He has the Pythagorean Theorem named after him.

Why did he develop the pythagoream theorem?

he created because he wanted to show that numbers have mystical and spirituals powers to the world he wanted to keep it a secret between him and just the brotherhood of Pyhtagorean's which are now called Pythagorean's Secret Society.

What is the contribution of andrew wiles to mathematics?

He proved Fermat's Last Theorem. Actually he proved the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture and this proved the theorem.