The number on the bottom of the fraction bar is first, then divide that by the top number :)
you look at the big number first.
First, look at the small hand and whichever number is is at is the hour. Then look at the big hand and whichever number it is at is the minute
444,100.14 > 437,213 The first number is greater than the second one.
a number............. a big big number.
this is a big number but it is 1288 i told you its a big number!!
a very big number a very big number
Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5.
a big number
Yes, it is called google, which equals to 10100 or 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Big Lots phone number is: (631) 580-6193
Big Girls by Mika was first released on July 23, 2007 in the UK, where is reached number 9 on the UK charts. Source: Wikipedia