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Well the SI unit of length is the meter, and SI is the first standard measurement system...

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Q: What was the name of the first standard measurement unit used to measure the length?
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Who and where discovered measurement?

the first discovery of measurement was on the age of ancient egyptians they use their bodies to measure the length,width or size. they said that the pyramid was created by them using their bodies to measure it. Some said that aliens are the one who help and bring the discovery of measurement in the world first in egypt.. that created the pyramid..

Who invented the first ruler used in measurement?

We do not know, this information was never recorded, but it is evident from the buildings of the ancients that standard units for length were in use then.

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First you need to decide what PROPERTY of the ear you want to measure: its length, its area, its mass, its surface area, etc.

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You must first decide what you want to measure about the rice grains: their length, circumference, mass, weight, volume, color, elasticity, etc.

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What is the length of this rug measurement 30x40 Does the width come first OR the length come first?

It does not matter. Conventionally, the length is the biggest side because it is the longest and so has the longest measure. But there are exceptions to that as well. That is why many manufacturers tell you (LxW or LxWxH) as well as giving the actual measures.

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You first need to decide what you want to measure about it: its length, its volume, its viscosity, etc.

How could you measure the perimeter of a round object using a ruler?

Wrap the strip of paper around the plate or can and mark it where it completes a full circle around the object. Then lay the strip on a flat surface and measure the marked length using the ruler. That length is the perimeter (circumference) of the round object.

What was the first measurement tool who created it and what did it measure?

the foot by god

How do you preform water displacement?

1) Measure the height of water in a beaker or a bowl. (First Measurement) 2) Place the object in the water. 3) Measure the height of the water while the object is still in the water. (Second Measurement) 4) Subtract your first measurement from your second measurement.

In measuring a curtain does the length or width come first?

Length comes first in measure quadrilaterals.

How do you calculate the area of a space?

To calculate the area of a space, first, you need a ruler or tape measurer. Next, measure the length and the width of the object, but not the height. Then, multiply the width by the length (or vice versa), and there's your answer. The answer would be in the unit of measurement squared.