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Q: What was the result when Morgan mated fruit flies with the genotypes X R X r and X R Y?
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What is the dependent variable in fruit flies?

it has wings

What are examples of a parallel sentence?

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. Parallel structure is when the sentence is basically the same with different words. The structure of the sentence is the same in both cases. The words of the sentence may be different in both cases.

When the Bible states to bear fruit what does that mean?

Just as the fruit of an apple tree is apples, the fruit of the Christian is other Christians.

Differentiate between simple multiple and aggregate fruit-?

Simple multiple fruit is different from simple aggregate fruit in the sense that simple multiple fruits are produced by a cluster of flowers whereas aggregate fruit are developed by flowers that have more than one pistil.

What does fruit mean in the bible?

Fruit means childrenAnswer:That would depend upon the context in which the word is used. In its natural use, fruit would be the edible pulp surrounding the seeds of many plants: grapes, figs, olives, pomegranates, and apples. The fruit of the womb is a common expression for descendants (Gen. 30:2, Duet. 7:13, Ps. 127:3, Isa. 13:18). Fruit often indicates a thought close to our word results. The fruit of the Spirit is the result of the Spirit's workings in the lives of believers (Gal. 5:22-23). Similar is the use of fruit where we would speak of manifestations or expressions: fruits of righteousness (Phil. 1:11, Jas. 3:18), repentance (Matt. 3:8), and light (Eph. 5:9). Jesus cautioned that false prophets could be identified by the fruit they produced (Matt. 7:15-20). Jesus similarly warned of the necessity of bearing fruit compatible with citizenship in the kingdom of God (Matt. 21:43). Fruit sometimes has the sense of reward (Isa. 3:10, John 4:36, Phil. 4:17). Fruit is also used as a picture for Christian converts (Rom. 1:13. 1 Cor. 16:15).

Related questions

Which fruit flies did thomas hunt Morgan use?

thomas hunt morgan studied fruit flies. :)

Why were fruit flies useful in Morgan's research?

Morgan use fruit flies because they were cheap and reproduced quicky.

How did Morgan's research with fruit flies exlain Punnett's and Bateson's observations of pea plants?

Morgan's research lead to one of the common diagrams used to predict the result of crossbreeding, the Punnett square.

What conclusions did Morgan arrive at with his experiments on fruit flies and why did they extend Mendel's conclusions?

Through his experiments on fruit flies, Morgan found that Mendel's principles applied to organisms and plants, and to humans as well. Thomas Hunt Morgan was an evolutionary biologist.

Was Morgan the first to use fruit flies in genetics experiments?


Which organism did Thomas Hunt Morgan use to study gene mapping?

Fruit flies

Which scientist studied fruit flies?

The scientist that studied fruit flies was Thomas Hunt Morgan. He was born in 1855 and died at the age of 79 in 1945. He was an evolutionary biologist.

What conclusions did Morgan arrive at with his experiment on fruit flies?

Morgan used fruit flies to study how genes were passed down from parent to child. He concluded from his research that they were passed through chromosomes, and used his data to create the first genetic map.

Why was Thomas Morgan and work with fruit flies important?

He gave an understanding of how chromosomes effect heredity.

What was first used in genetic studies by thomas Morgan in the early 1900s?

Plato users, Fruit flies.

What does F R W stand for in the genotypes?

F R W stands for the allele combinations of dark-banded (F), ruby-eyed (R), and white-eyed (W) in fruit flies. These genotypes are used to study genetic traits and inheritance patterns in Drosophjson Melanogaster.

Can the genotype for a gray-bodied fly be determined Why or why not Describe all of the possible genotypes for a fly with that phenotype?

Assuming that we are talking about fruit flies, then you should be able to determine this. Gray bodied flies would be the dominant and ebony bodied flies would be recessive. So, the results can only be a homozygous dominant fly (GG) or heterozygous fly (Gg). If you cross that fly with a ebony bodied fly (gg) and there is a result of some ebony bodied flies, then you know the original fly was heterozygous. If you result in all gray flies, then it was dominant.Source(s):Biology 101