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Utilizing the fact that the density of water is somewhat less than 1 kg/L at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, we are able to deduce that the 1 kg soil weights somewhat more.

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Q: What weighs more 1 liter water or 1 kg soil?
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How can you prove soil contain water?

Weigh a certain amount of soil, then dry it (e.g. in an oven), and weigh it again. If it weighs less after drying, then it had water in it at the beginning.

How can you prove that soil contains water?

Weigh a certain amount of soil, then dry it (e.g. in an oven), and weigh it again. If it weighs less after drying, then it had water in it at the beginning.

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Why, yes worms love soil more cause they couold drown in water. ;)

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in order to separate soil from a soil water mixture, we need to boil it, so it will separate both the soil and water will evaporate.