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Utilizing the fact that the density of water is somewhat less than 1 kg/L at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, we are able to deduce that the 1 kg soil weights somewhat more.

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Q: What weighs more 1 liter water or 1 kg soil?
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How much does 1 liter of potting mix weigh in kg?

One litre of water weighs 1Kg. So if the potting mix is compacted so there is no air it can weigh up to 1Kg. However, usually potting mix is not heavily compacted and commonly you'll find it occupies about half a litre of space when compacted. Therefore, a litre of average potting mix will weigh about half a kilogram (500g).

Is is loose soil permeable?

Yes, loose soil is generally more permeable compared to compacted soil. This is because the particles in loose soil are not tightly packed together, allowing water and air to move through more easily.

What is a better way for you to separate more soil from water quickly?

One way to separate soil from water quickly is to use a filter or sieve with small pores that trap the soil particles while allowing the water to pass through. Another method is to use sedimentation, where you let the mixture sit undisturbed so that the soil particles settle to the bottom, then carefully pour off the water from the top.

Why does clay soil retain more water than loam and sand?

Clay soil has smaller particles, which create more surface area for water molecules to adhere to. This allows clay soil to retain water better than loam and sand, which have larger particles with less surface area for water retention. Additionally, the small particles in clay soil can hold water tightly due to their structure and composition.

What plant cell absorbs water from the soil?

The root hairs of plant cells are responsible for absorbing water from the soil. These specialized structures increase the surface area of the roots, allowing for more efficient absorption of water and nutrients.

Related questions

Which soil will allow more water sandy soil or clayey soil why?

Clayey soil will allow less water to pass through compared to sandy soil because it has smaller particles and is more compact. This results in higher water retention in clayey soil and slower water infiltration compared to sandy soil.

How can you prove soil contain water?

Weigh a certain amount of soil, then dry it (e.g. in an oven), and weigh it again. If it weighs less after drying, then it had water in it at the beginning.

How can you prove that soil contains water?

One way to prove that soil contains water is by conducting a simple soil moisture test. This can be done by taking a handful of soil and squeezing it in your hand. If water drips out or the soil remains moist and clumped together, it indicates the presence of water. Another way is to use a soil moisture meter to measure the moisture content of the soil.

A scientist combined 1 liter of H20 and 9 ounces of soil What compound did he make?

Mud because H20 is water and soil is dirt.

A plant is placed in a sealed greenhouse with a fixed supply of water soil and air After a year the plant weighs 5 kg more than at the start of the experiment and what weighs almost 5 kg less?

The plant gained 5 kg in weight due to its growth and accumulation of biomass over the year. The soil used by the plant for nutrients and support likely lost around 5 kg due to absorption by the plant during its growth process.

Does soil or water absorb more light?

Water typically absorbs more light than soil. Soil reflects or scatters some sunlight, contributing to the overall albedo of an area, while water absorbs more sunlight due to its transparency. This increased absorption of sunlight in water contributes to its heating and affects various aquatic ecosystems.

Why is the potting soil can hold more water?


Does grass absorb more water than soil?

no soil absorbs more

Which substance absorbed more heat water or soil?

Water has a higher specific heat capacity than soil, meaning it can absorb more heat per unit mass. Therefore, water is able to absorb more heat than soil when both substances are exposed to the same amount of energy.

Does earthworms love soil more than water?

Why, yes worms love soil more cause they couold drown in water. ;)

Why does clayey soil absorb more water than sandy soil?

Clayey soil has smaller particle size and higher surface area, allowing it to hold more water through capillary action compared to sandy soil. The smaller gaps between clay particles also slow down water drainage, leading to more water being retained in clayey soil.

What is a better way for you to separate more soil from water quickly?

One way to separate soil from water quickly is to use a filter or sieve with small pores that trap the soil particles while allowing the water to pass through. Another method is to use sedimentation, where you let the mixture sit undisturbed so that the soil particles settle to the bottom, then carefully pour off the water from the top.