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Q: What were the duties and rights of the lord vassal to each other?
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Can your daughter receive disability from his father even if his rights were severed?

If the biological parents' rights were severed, the parent is a legal stranger to the child, and she and the father have no duties or benefits to each other.

What is the fourth article of the constitution?

It has to do with states duties to each other and the duties the federal government has to the states.

Why did vassals protect their lords?

Vassals were people who had entered into a feudal contract with their lords. As part of the feudal contract, each was required to protect the other. Usually, this meant the vassal gave military support to the lord, but the lord was obliged to support the vassal in the event that the vassal was attacked. In exchange for military support, the vassal got a fiefdom or land grant, which was an estate from which he could get an income.

What is true of feudalism?

feudalism meant the enslavement of the agrarian workforce for the enrichment of the privileged. Each class had duties and rights.

How are rights and responsibilities related in terms of civic duty?

Rights ensure that each individual is respected and treated with dignity. This in turn makes it possible for people to carry out their civic duties passionately.

Can a child inherit intestate from a parent who lost his parental rights?

In most jurisdictions the termination of parental rights divests forever the parent and child of all legal rights, privileges, duties, and powers between each other except for the child's right to inherit from the terminated parent. You should seek the advice of an attorney in your area.

What are duties a president play in commander in chief?

They do each other in The Buttholes one By one

How do we define?

the law gives rights to individuals and methods of enforcing those rights, Quite often law is involved in a balancing act, trying to ensure that one person's rights do not affect the other person's rights. in order to keep the balance the law also imposes duties on people law is for each an individuals, who is forced to follow it. law is for the benifit of ones self as well as for the country or nation.

Did the declaration of independence form the basis of The Bill of Rights?

Both the declaration and the bill of rights are separate documents not based upon each other, regardless if there are referred to each other at one point or another.

Why do people concentrate on their rights within each law rather then their duties within each law?

I think it's the old concept of "What's in it for me?" JFK hit the nail on the head when he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country".

Who was each person loyal to in the system of feudalism?

it is shogun,i learned this from the shogun himself... u know who,CORYXKENSHIN.but anyways it is shogun have a nice day.(D_D)

Remedies to non custodial parent when custodial parent ties visitation to monetary issues not part of the marital settlement agreement?

Parents each have specific Rights and Duties when it comes to raising a child. The Rights of the parents are things such as the right to a healthy relationship with the child, the right to visit an absent child, the right to communicate to the absent child. Each parent also has Duties with regard to their child.; to provide for the health and wellbeing of the child. Typically the Custodial parent provides the home and the Absent Parent provides financial resources to aid in ensuring that the health and wellbeing of the child is at a level they were accustomed to when the family was "one unit" The Rights and Duties are not interchangeable and are not reliant upon one another. They stand on their own. The rights do not affect the duties and the duties do not affect the rights. Neither parent can legally take away anothers right or duty to a child. (Only a Court can do that) In other words, a custodial parent cannot take away your rights to see a child even if you have failed in your duty to support. On the flip side, you cannot relinquish your duty to support if the cutodial parent has tried to thwart your efforts to excercise your right to visit the child. They may try, but they would be in violation of the visitation and custody order.