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Civic education gives people knowledge about how the state laws operate and elaborates the duties of the citizenry. Ethical laws refer to how people should relate to each other; in terms of what is just, fair and commendable.

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Q: What is civic and ethical education?
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General education aims to provide individuals with a broad set of knowledge, skills, and experiences that empower them to think critically, make informed decisions, and engage meaningfully with the world around them. This fosters a sense of civic responsibility, ethical reasoning, and social awareness, helping individuals become well-rounded and informed members of society.

What is the difference between civics and civic education?

Ateeq Tariq To me citizenship education is a component of the civic education. It means that civic education is the training of different faculties among which citizenship education is one. The citizenship education deals with the duties and rights we have as a citizen of a country but civic education is a broader term which deals with the rights and duties we have as a member of this universe.

What is the relationship between civic republicanism and civic education?

In its best form, civic republicanism requires civic education for its proper execution in modern political life. Harkening to the ancient Greek city-states, civic republicanism calls for political participation by all, and consequently, requires some form of civic education to best effectuate its primary purpose. In short, there is no effective civic republicanism without civic education.

How is education a purposeful ethical activity?

Education certainly is a purposeful ethical activity. This is because education teaches people about different cultures and how to appreciate them.

What is the difference between civic education and citizenship education?

Ateeq Tariq To me citizenship education is a component of the civic education. It means that civic education is the training of different faculties among which citizenship education is one. The citizenship education deals with the duties and rights we have as a citizen of a country but civic education is a broader term which deals with the rights and duties we have as a member of this universe.

What is the relationship between civic education and civic republicanism?

In its best form, civic republicanism requires civic education for its proper execution in modern political life. Harkening to the ancient Greek city-states, civic republicanism calls for political participation by all, and consequently, requires some form of civic education to best effectuate its primary purpose. In short, there is no effective civic republicanism without civic education.

What are the types of values in civic education?

2 types of values education

What is civic education?

High political eddicacy

How do you say civic education in french?

It is : "éducation civique"

What is the civic education?

Civic education is the study of the theoretical, political and practical aspects of citizenship, as well as its rights and is the processes that affect people's beliefs, commitments, capabilities. Civic education aims at learning the competences & teaching the knowledge, skills, and virtues needed for competent citizenship in a democracy.