

What whole number is divisible by a second whole number?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Depends on the number

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Q: What whole number is divisible by a second whole number?
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Divide the number by nineteen. If the answer is a whole number, then the number is divisible.

What are the rules of the divisibility?

1- Any number is divisible by 1. 2- Any even number is divisible by 2. 3- If its digits add up to a number divisible by 3, the whole number is divisible by 3. 4- If the last two digits are divisible by 4, the whole number is divisible by 4. 5- If it ends in 5 or 0, the whole number is divisible by 5. 6- If it's even and also divisible by 3, the whole number is divisible by 6. 7- There is no rule for 7. 8- If the last three digits are divisible by 8, the whole number is divisible by 8. 9- If its digits add up to a number divisible by 9, the whole number is divisible by 9. 10- If it ends in 0, the whole number is divisible by 10.

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If the number is divisible by 2 and 3 the whole number is divisible by?

It is divisible by 6

Is the 46 divisible by 4?

It is divisible, but not a whole number.

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What number is not divisible by 9?

Every number is divisible by 9 but the answer wont necessarily be a whole number.

How is a number divisible by four?

If the last two digits of a number are divisible by four, the whole number is divisible by four.

What numbers to the second decimal place are divisible into W?

The concept of divisible and non-divisible makes sense only in the context of whole numbers. Once you allow fractions (or their decimal representations), every number is divisible by any non-zero number.

What are the rules in math for 234569 and 10?

If the number is even, it's divisible by 2. If the sum of the digits is a multiple of 3, the whole number is divisible by 3. If the last two digits are a multiple of 4, the whole number is divisible by 4. If the last digit is a 0 or a 5, the whole number is divisible by 5. If the number is even and divisible by 3, it's divisible by 6. If the sum of the digits is a multiple of 9, the whole number is divisible by 9. If the number ends in 0, it's divisible by 10.