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They are integers

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Q: What whole numbers areon a number line?
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Related questions

What is integers on a number line?

Integers on the number line are the whole numbers.

Where are the integers on a number line?

If you have drawn a number line counting in whole numbers, the integers are those whole number points. Any decimal numbers in between are not integers.

How do you draw the number line representing the following numbers like whole numbers 65?

65 is a whole number!

Can rational numbers be placed on the number line?

well every integer fraction whole number natural number are rational number's surely rational numbers are represented on a number line and as rational numbers are the real numbers

What are the of examples of whole number?

Whole numbers are integers that do not include decimals or fractions as for example the whole numbers in the number line

Is 0.9 a whole number?

Yah it's a whole number... Because according to the definition of whole number. Whole numbers are those numbers who lies between 0 to infinity. And if we observe the number line. 0.9 will be between 0-1 so.. It's a Whole number....

How is ordering fractions on a number line similar to and different from ordering whole numbers on a number line?

It will be easier to know what to write

How can a number line help you compare whole numbers?

A number line is a faster, more efficient way of calculating whole numbers, and only takes a few seconds, a lot faster than mental calculation.

What number is an integerrational number and real number?

Any of the whole numbers on the number line will fulfil the given criteria

Where is a unit segment on the number line?

It is the line segment between any two consecutive whole numbers.

Defined real numbers?

Real numbers encompass any number along the number line, infinitely. Integers, whole numbers, natural numbers, etc. are are real numbers.

What are two methods of comparing whole numbers?

tell how you could use a number line to determine which of two numbers is greater