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Q: What will take in more heat R-5 insulatation or R-35 insulation?
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What will take in more heat R 5 insulation R 35 insulation?

Well, an R-5 will take in more heat because it is less than 35. Get it? Got it? Good.

How does loft insulation stop conduction and convection?

Loft insulation stops conduction and convection as the insulation which is inserted into the wall cavity prevents the particles of heat energy from traveling through the wall cavity, this stops conduction from taking place. Loft insulation also prevents convection as the cavity insulation stops the air particles from moving, therefore they cannot transfer heat and convection cannot take place.

Why is it important to insulate buildings?

Buildings take energy to heat them and cool them. No insulation means the heat or cool escapes to the atmosphere and wastes/costs energy (and money).

What is a simple definition of thermal insulation?

An insulator is something that keeps heat in, for example, if you put a piece of fake fur around a mug of hot chocolate, it would act as an insulator, and would keep the heat in the mug. x if u eant insulator..then it means a poor heat conducto, or poor conductor of electricity ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Materials that do not easily give up or take on electrons are called insulators.

Does a black refrigerator take more power to cool because it absorbs heat?

Short answer, no. In an average kitchen, a black refrigerator would have to be in direct sunlight most of the day. Ambient room temperature would not heat it more than a white refrigerator. If the black refrigerator has excellent insulation, it may be more energy efficient than a different color, even when outside in direct sunlight.

How does air insulate?

Air insulates heat transfer as well as (lower voltages of) electricity basically by just being there. Heat takes time to transfer between media. Consider a house's wall cavity without added insulation. There is a layer of drywall on the inside, followed by a layer of air, followed by a layer of wood on the outside. So for heat to travel from the inside to the outside it has to start vibrating the drywall molecules faster first (which is what we do when we heat anything up). Then it has to vibrate the molecules of air faster (and those buggers move around pretty easily). Then it has to vibrate the wood molecules faster, then the siding even. So air is just another layer that has to be passed through. The longer we make the heat take to transfer, the better insulated it is. Now add some fiberglass insulation to your house's wall cavity. Do you know that it is counterproductive to stuff as much insulation in as possible? Know why? Because air helps the insulation pass heat through more slowly! Imagine it... if there are thousands of layers of fiberglass, and air.... it's going to take that poor heat energy a while to vibrate all those molecules. But if you stuff that air space full of insulation.... the 'insulation' starts to behave like a solid chunk of fiberglass, which doesn't insulate as well as thousands of layers of fiberglass and air.

What can take more heat metal or stone?


What is the importance of insulation?

By definition, insulation has low thermal conductivity so it slows the transfer of heat. We insulate homes to help them stay warm in the winter (by slowing the rate at which the heat moves out of the house into the colder surroundings) and to keep them cool in the summer (assuming they are air conditioned, by slowing the rate of heat moving through the walls from the hot outside into the cooler inside). Since it requires work to create a temperature difference, insulation allows less work to maintain that difference over time. Insulation also can provide protection against large deviations from ambient temperature. We use insulation in the form of gloves and "hotpads" to allow us to take hot items out of an oven, to cover steam pipes so that people don't get burned on them (and, of course to keep the steam hot and usable), to insulate containers of liquid nitrogen, etc.

Does it take more heat to heat water or to boil water?

It takes more heat to boil water than to simply heat water. Unless the water is already at its boiling point.

Does the heat in your car burn gas?

No, the heat in your vehicle is made from the the heat of the radiator fluid. It dose not take more fuel to use the heater.

How can copper be removed from an electric motor?

Take it apart and burn the insulation out, if you can, in a pile of brush. Or you could also take a torch to it and see if that gets the insulation out. If you use flame to melt the copper, beware of toxic fumes from burning rubber and plastic insulation.

Does it take more heat to vaporize 12 grams of CH4 or 12 grams of Hg?

It takes more heat to melt 12.0 grams of Hg.