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The wavelength will increase if the period increases.Proof:First define the terms: Wavelength = Lamda (λ), Velocity of propagation = v, frequency = f, period of oscillation = T.

Frequency asks "how many waves per unit time (seconds usually)".

Period asks "How much time (seconds) does it take for one wave cycle to complete".

Also, frequency is inversely proportional to period, so f = 1/T. Also, T = 1/f.

(Incidentally, note that as period (T) increases, then frequency (f) gets decreases. Or if frequency increases, then period decreases.)

λ = v/f


λ = vT. (by replacing f with 1/T)

  1. If the frequency decreases, OR/AND the velocity increases, then wavelength corespondingly increases.
  2. If the period increases OR/AND the velocity increases, then the wavelength increases.
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Q: What will the wavelength of a wave do if the period of the wave increases?
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What is the relationship between length and wave frequency?

Frequency is inversely proportional to the wave length, thus saying the shorter the wave length the higher the frequency and vice versa.The frequency is the number of waves within a time period. As the frequency within that time period increases, the number of waves increases, therefore the width of each wave (wavelength) within that time period has to decrease. Therefore:As the wave length increases, the frequency decreasesAs the wave length decreases, the frequency increases

What happens to the period of a wave when the frequency decreases?

The period and frequency of a wave are inversely related, i.e. the period is the time it takes for wave to go through a cycle, and the frequency is the number of cycles in a certain time period. For example, a wave with a period of 0.5 seconds would have a frequency of 2 per second. Since these properties are the inverse of each other, than they will be opposite when changing. If the period decreases (i.e. gets shorter, faster) than the frequency increases. Or vice versa.

As the frequency of a wave increases what happens to the wavelength?

As wavelength increases the frequency decreases.

How does wave speed relate to wavelength and period?

Wave speed = (wavelength)/(period)

How the wavelength of a sound wave changes if the frequency of the wave increases?

frequency of wave is inversely proportional to wavelength

Describe how the frequency of a wave changes as the wavelength changes?

it is directly proportional to frequency so if frequency increases wavelength also increases

What will the result be when Velocity of a wave increases and the wavelength stays the same?

the frequency of the wave increases.

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the frequency of the wave increases.

If the period of a wave decreases its frequency must?

Period and frequency are inverse to each other, as period increases frequency decreases. So, to answer this question as the period of the wave decreases its frequency must increase.

How wavelength and wave period can be used to calculate wave speed?

Just divide the wavelength by the wave period, and you've got the wave speed.

How do wavelength and periods relate?

Wavelength*Frequency = Velocity of the wave. or Wavelength/Period = Velocity of the wave.