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The speed of the wave increases, the frequency remains constant and the wavelength increases. The angle of the wave also changes.

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Q: When a sound wave passes from air into water do you expect the frequency wavelength to change?
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What is the frequency of a wave when one wave passes in 8 seconds?

Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), which is the number of wavelengths that pass in one second. Since one wavelength is passing every eight seconds, the frequency is 1/8 Hz.

If the speed of a wave doubles while the wavelength stays the same what happens to the frequency?

It will simply double.Wavelength = Velocity / Frequencyor in your caseVelocity = Frequency x wavelength+++Except that would demand unusual conditions.'Doubling of speed can only happen if the wave passes from its first medium to another of very different properties. Any given wave motion has a speed constant for any medium itself that is able to transmit it.'For sound, the speed is approximately 340m/s in air, 1500m/s in water (varying very slightly with the density of the air or water). This is irrespective of frequency hence irrespective of wavelength.'So for a single medium, as the speed cannot change (ignoring small changes due to density changes) the wavelength is always inversely proportional to frequency only.

If you make a wave in a rope so that a wave passes every second What is its frequency?

1 Hz

What is the slope of Passes through -2 2 and 2 -10?

(change in 'y') / (change in 'x') = (-12) / (4) = -3

What is the frequncy of the wave if it is 2 meter high 8 meters long and the time needed to complete one wave is 8 seconds?

If one wave completes, or passes a point, every 8 seconds, then the frequency is 1/8 Hz. = 0.125. The dimensions have nothing to do with the frequency.

Related questions

Why does wavelength change during refraction?

Wavelength changes during refraction because the speed of light changes when it passes through different mediums, causing the frequency to remain constant. According to the equation c = fλ (where c is the speed of light, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength), when the speed of light changes, the wavelength must also change to keep the frequency constant.

What will be change in a wavelength and frequency when wave refracted?

When a wave refracts as it moves from one medium to another, its wavelength typically changes while its frequency remains constant. The change in wavelength is due to the change in speed of the wave in the new medium, as dictated by Snell's Law. The frequency remains constant because it is a characteristic of the source of the wave and does not change as the wave passes through different mediums.

What happens to frequency when a ray of light passes from air to water?

The frequency of light remains constant when passing from air to water. However, the speed of light changes due to the change in the medium, causing the wavelength to change. This change in wavelength results in the light bending or refracting at the interface between air and water.

What happen to the velocity frequency and wavelength of light as it leaves air and passes through a glass prism?

As light passes from air into a glass prism, its velocity decreases due to the change in medium. The frequency of light remains the same as it is determined by the source of the light. The wavelength of light decreases as it enters the denser medium of the glass, causing the light to bend or refract.

Occurs when a sound passes an observer?

The Doppler Effect is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave in relation to an observer who is moving relative to the wave source. This phenomenon can result in variations in pitch or frequency of sound waves as a source and observer move closer or farther apart.

Why wavelenth changes with speed of light?

The wavelength of light changes with the speed of light because of the relationship defined by the equation c = fλ, where c is the speed of light, f is the frequency of light, and λ is the wavelength of light. As the speed of light changes in different mediums, the frequency and wavelength adjust so that the product of the frequency and wavelength remains constant.

When a wave passes from a less dense medium to a more dense medium what might change?

When a wave passes from a less dense medium to a more dense medium, its speed decreases while its frequency remains unchanged. Additionally, the wave may also experience refraction, causing it to change direction.

Why frequency does not change When it light passes from one medium to another?

When light passes from one medium to another, its frequency remains constant because the frequency of a wave is a property of the source of the wave and does not change as it moves from medium to medium. However, the speed and wavelength of light may change when traveling from one medium to another, as determined by the refractive index of the materials involved.

When a light wave travels form air into water the quantity that remains unchanged it its speed amplitude wavelength or frequency?

When a light wave travels from air into water, its frequency remains unchanged. This is due to the fact that the frequency of a wave is determined by the source that creates it, and does not change when it passes from one medium to another.

What happens to the speed wavelength and frequency when sound wave passes from cool air into warmer air?

When a sound wave passes from cool air to warmer air, its speed increases due to the higher temperature in the warmer air, resulting in a shorter wavelength. This increase in speed causes the frequency of the sound wave to remain constant, as frequency is determined by the source of the sound rather than the medium it travels through.

When light passes through a prism how does the amount of bending of a light wave depend on the frequency of the light wave?

The question completely dissolves into nothingness when we recall that the frequency and wavelength of a wave are inextricably bound to each other. They don't change independently, and if you know one, then you know the other. So the "amount of bending" compared to frequency, and the "amount of bending" compared to wavelength, are necessarily identical.

When a wave passes froma less dense medium to a more dense medium the may change?

When a wave passes from a less dense medium to a more dense medium, it generally slows down and changes direction. This change in speed and direction is called refraction. The wave may also experience a change in wavelength and frequency.