

Best Answer


S = 83

t = 116

u = 117

d = 100

e = 101

n = 110

t = 116

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Q: What word is obtained by translating the character code string 83 116 117 100 101 110 116?
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How do you translate this binary code into letters 1101110100100010100110001010101001100101010101?

It's impossible to give you an answer for this unless you know what character encoding was used. Translating that to ASCII will give an entirely different answer than translating from Unicode.

Is a method of translating data into code?


Write a program that stores vowels in an array When you program is given a character it should indicate whether the character is vowel or not?

That's easy to do!This script will get the POST data from an HTML form and check if it is a vowel.

Why strcat(string'!') not work in C program?

The strcat() function has the following protocol:char* strcat (char* destination, char* source);The function appends the source string to the destination string and returns the destination string.The destination string must be a null-terminated character array of sufficient length to accommodate strlen (source) plus strlen (destination) characters, plus a null-terminator. The existing null-terminator and subsequent characters of destination are overwritten by characters from the source string, up to and including the source string's null-terminator.strcat (string, '!') will not work because '!' is a character literal (ASCII code 33 decimal), not a null-terminated character array. Use "!" instead of '!'.Example:char string[80]; // character arraystrcpy (string, "Hello world");strcat (string, "!");puts (string);

Character count java?

Assuming you want to count the number of characters in a String, you just need to call the length() method on the object. For example: String foo = "This is a string"; System.out.println(foo.length()); The above code would result in the number 16 being printed out.

How binary code of a will be?

In ASCII and UTF-8, the character 'a' has the 8-bit biary code 01100001 (which is 97 in decimal). Full lists of character codes can be obtained from several websites (just search for things like "character codes", "ASCII", "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "Unicode" and so on).

What is a channel decoder?

A channel decoder is the process of translating received msg into code word of a given code.

How do you identify the character in a string is uppercase?

In order to find whether a character in a string is in uppercase or not, you need to use the ascii\unicode values of the character. You may want to use the following code-- String str="Your Sample String Here"; //(say you have this string) int l=str.length(); for(int i=0;i<l;i++) { char ch=str.charAt(i); if(ch>=65&&ch<=90) //Since the values of block letters in ASCII are from 65 to 90 System.out.println(ch); } //This program basically prints out the block letters, but you can modify it as you like, by changing the statement after 'if' as you want

How does a 'string' type string differ from a c-type string?

A char is a single character. A String is a collection of characters. It may be empty (zero characters), have one character, two character, or many characters - even a fairly long text.The single quote (') is used to deliniate a character during assignment:char someChar = 'a';The double quote (") is used to delineate a string during assignment:String someString = new String("hello there");Note that char is a primitive data type in Java, while String is an Object. You CANNOT directly assign a char to a String (or vice versa). There is, however, a Character object that wraps the char primitive type, and Java allows method calls to be made on the char primitive (automagically converting the char to Character before doing so).i.e. these ALL FAIL:someString = SomeChar;someString = new String(someChar);However, these WILL work:someString = Character.toString(someChar);someString = someChar.toString();Also note that a String is a static memory allocation, while a character's is dynamic. By that, I mean that when a String is created, it is allocated a memory location exactly big enough to fit the assigned string. Any change to that String forces and entirely new memory location to be allocated, the contents of the old String copied in (with the appropriate changes), and the old String object subject to garbage collection. Thus, making changes to a String object are quite inefficient (if you want that kind of behaviour, use StringBuffer instead).A character is allocated but once; all subsequent changes to a character variable simply overwrite that same memory location, so frequent changes to a character variable incur no real penalty.

What are the different ways of translating the code for the computer?

manually by handassembler programcompiler programinterpreter program

What is the term used for a string that appears in the actual code of a program?


What term is used for a string that appears in the actual code of a program?
