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Q: What word is the definition of the rate velocity changes with time gravity mass velocity or acceleration?
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Is it possible for a body to have zero velocity and non-zero acceleration?

Answer:Yes, but only instantaneously.Consider a thrown ball moving directly upward. At the highest point of its trajectory, the instanataneous velocity (the velocity at that precise instant) is zero even while the acceleration due to gravity remains non zero.

How could an object accelerate while still traveling at a constant speed?

Acceleration means the velocity changes. Velocity is made up of speed and a direction, so if only the direction changes, the velocity still changes, and therefore there is acceleration. The typical example is moving around in a circle.

Is the acceleration due to gravity always pointing vertically downward even for an object whose velocity is vertically upward?

Acceleration only depends on the direction of the applied force and is independent of the velocity of the object, so gravity is always pointing down.

Is acceleration always in the same direction as the unbalanced force?

No, acceleration is change in velocity. (And velocity is speed in a certain direction.) If an object slows down, then it is changing velocity and thus accelerating. (In this case, the acceleration is negative.) If an object changes direction, then it's velocity changes, so this is also acceleration. (This is centripetal acceleration.)

Why do you say that an object falling toward the earth is accelerating?

Because the constant force of gravity is acting on it, and the acceleration of an object is equal to(net force acting on the object) divided by (the object's mass).

Related questions

How is acceleration due to gravity be zero in a parachute?

At terminal velocity (constant velocity), the acceleration is zero, but prior to that, there is a downward acceleration.

What is the definition of acceleration due to gravity?

Gravity acceleration g=GM/r2.

Can a direction of velocity of an object reverse at constant acceleration?

Sure. A pendulum and a park swing both have constant acceleration due to gravity, and the direction of their velocity changes over and over again until they're stopped.

How is the initial velocity zero but the acceleration is not?

Going back to definitions, Velocity is change of distance with time; and acceleration is change in velocity with time. Initially, the velocity is zero, as is the acceleration, BUT the Force of Gravity attracts the falling mass, and causes velocity to appear. But the continued application of the Force of Gravity causes the velocity to increase. And as we know, increase in velocity is acceleration. [space for QED]

Why does gravity change velocity?

Gravity exerts a force on objects; such a force (if not counteracted by some other force) will cause an acceleration, according to Newton's Second Law. The amount of the acceleration can be calculated as a = F/m.

When An object speeds up it has what acceleration?

For an object's speed to change (increase or decrease), the object must be accelerating. If there is an acceleration, there is a non-zero net force acting on the object.note: Velocity and speed are different. An object's velocity can change without the speed changing. Example of this is centripetal acceleration. The object's velocity changes directions, thus the velocity changes. The magnitude (or speed), however, stays the same (if only a radial acceleration is present).

How are acceleration and gravity related?

If there are no other forces that counter it, gravity will cause an acceleration - basically it will change an object's velocity.

Effect of acceleration due to gravity?

Acceleration simply refers to the rate of change of a velocity. You might say that the effect of an acceleration - any acceleration - is therefore a change of velocity.

What does a object do when it accelerates?

when the motion of an object accelerates it either increases speed, decreases speed, or it changes direction.

Is it possible for a body to have zero velocity and non-zero acceleration?

Answer:Yes, but only instantaneously.Consider a thrown ball moving directly upward. At the highest point of its trajectory, the instanataneous velocity (the velocity at that precise instant) is zero even while the acceleration due to gravity remains non zero.

How can you calculate the velocity and acceleration of falling objects?

Acceleration:Always the same, doesn't need to be calculated. Acceleration of gravity = 9.8 meters (32.2 ft) per second2Acceleration of gravity is negative (points down).Velocity:(Initial velocity) + [ (acceleration) x (time) ]Positive velocity = moving upNegative velocity = moving down

What force that can change when acceleration due to gravity changes?

I suppose you are asking about what forces change when acceleration due to gravity changes. In this case, the formula for forces concerning acceleration due to gravity is as such: fg=mg. When acceleration due to gravity(g) changes, it affects the force of gravity which is also known as the weight of the object. This is shown as fg.