Scott Hend was born in 1973.
Apprehend has 3 syllables: app re hend.
Hend Al-mansour was born in 1956.
A hendecagon is an eleven sided shape. Is that what you meant?Hendeca is the Greek word for eleven.
Hend Sabri was born on 1979-11-20.
The cast of His Name - 2012 includes: Shafik Ahmed as Shafik Ahmed Hend Fakhroo as Hend Fakhroo
wind tend spend lend pend hend
A word that starts with AN and ends with OR: ancestor.
A word that starts with the root word pent is pentagon.
A compound word that starts with look is look out.
"Hend" does not have a widely recognized meaning in English. It could be a misspelling or a term not commonly used. If you provide more context or clarify the usage of this term, I may be able to assist you further.