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Q: What would 457 round up to the tens?
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How do you round 5555 to the nearest hundred?

To round 5555 to the nearest hundred, look at the tens digit (5 in this case). If the tens digit is 5 or greater, round up to the next hundred. If the tens digit is 4 or less, round down to the previous hundred. In this case, the tens digit is 5, so you would round up to 5600.

How do you round 5465 to the nearest hundred?

To round a number to the nearest hundred, go to the tens column. If it is a 5 or over, round up to the next hundred. If it is a 4 or lower, round down.So in 5465, the tens column has a 6. Therefore you round up to 5500.If you wanted to round 5443 to the nearest hundred, you would round down to 5400 because there is a 4 in the tens column.

How do you round 47 to the nearest tens?

50. Since the ones digit (7) is greater than 5 you round up. So in this case the tens place would be 5.

Can you give me the answer to how to round up 321 to the nearest tens?

If you are rounding to the nearest tens, 320 is the answer. If you are rounding up to the nearest tens, 330 would be the answer. The difference is the word "up", which specifies that the answer will be greater than 321. The answer of 320 would be rounding down.

What are the rules for rounding to the nearest hundred?

Look at the tens digit. If it is 5 or more, round up. If it is 4 or less, round down. Examples: 83 - tens digit is more than five, round up to 100 447 - tens digit is 4 or less, round down to 400 1053 - tens digit is 5 or more, round up to 1100 650 - tens digit is 5 or more, round up to 700 649.999 - tens digit is 4 or less, round down to 600

How do you round 38 to the nearest tens?

38 is larger than the midpoint between 30 and 40, so you would 'round it up.'38 rounded to the nearest tens is 40

What does 92 round up to the nearest ten?

Rounded up to the nearest tens would be 100. Rounded to the nearest tens is 90.

Where does 621 round up to?

well, if you round up by tens, its 620 and if its by hundreds its 600 :) -Lina:)

What is 353 rounded up to?

If you're rounding by the hundreds place it would round to 400. If you're rounding by the tens place it would round to 350. This all depends by which value you decide to round with.

Does 648 round down or round up to the nearest hundred?

To round to the nearest hundred, look at the tens digit - if it is 4 or less, round down otherwise it is 5 or more and so round up: In 648, the tens digit is 4 (which is 4 or less) so round down to 600.

How do you round 8750 to the nearest hundred?

As the tens position has a 5 in it, we round up to give 8800 as the answer.

How do you round 1749 to the nearest hundred?

You would go to the hundreds and round that number. So as the tens number is 4 you would round down so it becomes 1700. Also note that a 5 can be rounded up or down.