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Straight line

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Arjun Bednar

Lvl 13
1y ago
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Q: What would a distance-versus-time graph look like for the moving?
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What would a distance-versus-time graph look like for the moving object?

Straight line

What would a distance -versus - time graph look like for moving object?

It would be anything other than a horizontal line.

What would a distance versus-time graph look like for the moving object in the part?

The line would be going diagnley to the right

What would a distance versus time graph look like for the moving object in part b?

The line would be going diagnley to the right

How will you interpret this graph in terms of the speed and acceleration of the moving car?

My interpretation is that the car and any motion, like the graph, do not exist.

What would a distance verus -time graph look like for the moving object in a part b?

the line would be going diagnley to the right . i am guessing you are talking about the question from the california physical science text book

Which of the following describes a displacement vs time graph that looks like this?

Constant velocityZero acceleration and/or Moving object

What does a graph with a quadratic relationship look like?

Like a parabola. Not "like": it would be.

What is the difference between a graph and a grid?

A graph is like a bar chart and a grid is like a table they are different ways of presenting information like you where recording a what a lesson was called you would put it in a grid because its a word and you cant record words in a graph because you would usually use numbers for a graph.

What type of graph would you use to show your favorite sports?

i would put different colors on the graph or i will put the sports on one side and the number of students who like that sport on the graph

Why would you use a broken line graph?

You would use a broken bar graph, when grouping and gathering information. You would use straight, slanted, or vertical lines and showing points with dots. A broken bar graph is just like a line graph.