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Q: What would be the best graph to represent the frequency?
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Related questions

What is the best type of graph to represent FREQUENCY TABLE?

It is a histogram.

Which graph would best represent differences in size between two variables?

The answer depends on the variables. If the sizes were on a nominal scale - small, medium, large - for example, then a stacked bar with frequencies would probably be the best. Otherwise, frequency polygons or cumulative frequency charts will do.

Which type of graph would best display data in a frequency table?

A Histogram, a line plot and a line graph.

What type of graph would be best to represent numerical data?

BAR ;)

What is the best graph to represent fractions?

the best graph to use to represent fractions is a pie graph, that is if all the fractions denominators are the same...

What is the best type of graph to represent percentiles?

pie chart graph

When is it the best time to use a bar graph?

I use a bar graph to represent my favorite pies, and a pie graph to represent my favorite bars.

What type of graph is best suited for displaying the range and frequency distribution of the temperature for two weeks?

A line graph

What type graph would best display data in a frequency table?

Almost any: column, bar, line, pie, scatter, pictogram.

What is the best graph to represent specific data?

The answer depends very much on the sort of data and on what information the graph is meant to convey.

Which type of graph would best represent the grades of 30 students on a math test so that each individual grade can be seen?

Line Plot

What type of graph is best suited for displaying the range and frequency distribution of gas mileage while still showing each car's individual gas mileage?

A bar graph or a pie graph.