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you mix 2 fluids of 2 diffrent densetis


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Q: What would happen if you mix 2 fluids of 2 different densities acomplete mixing?
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What will happen to light that goes through different media with different density?

Light will refract at the boundary between media with different densities, causing a change in its speed and direction. The amount of refraction depends on the difference in densities between the media.

You rapidly swirl a mixture of substances with different densitites in a centrifuge what will happen?

Substances with greater densities will be pulled to the bottom of the test rube.

If water of different densities come in contact what will happen?

When water of different densities come in contact, they do not mix instantly due to the difference in densities. Instead, they form distinct layers with the denser water sinking below the less dense water. Over time, small-scale mixing processes may occur to eventually achieve equilibrium.

When water of different densities meet what happen?

When water of different densities meet, they will initially mix together due to turbulence and movement, but eventually they will separate based on their densities, with the denser water sinking to the bottom and the lighter water rising to the top. This process is known as stratification, where layers of water form based on their density.

If you are driving and there are no fluids in the car what will happen?

No fluids? Like gas? Well, you can probably run on fumes for a bit then the car will stop. I mean fluids like oil and antifreeze. Not gas, I know what will happen if you do not have gas. The person working on my car returned it to me with out oil etc.

What is the cause of hepatitis?

There is not one main cause it can happen in different ways like exchange of bodily fluids and certain infections. It is a liver disease and can be cured or at least suppressed

What is the main causes of hepatitis?

There is not one main cause it can happen in different ways like exchange of bodily fluids and certain infections. It is a liver disease and can be cured or at least suppressed

What would happen if you have 2 liquids with different densities in the same container?

The liquid with higher density will settle at the bottom, while the one with lower density will float on top due to the principle of buoyancy. The liquids will not mix and will form distinct layers based on their densities.

Where and how do waves slow down?

Waves slow down when they move from one medium to another with a different wave speed. This can happen at boundaries between materials of different densities, such as air to water or water to glass. The change in speed is due to the change in the wave's frequency and wavelength as it enters the new medium.

What will happen if petrol is mixed with water and stirred?

Petrol and water do not mix as they have different densities and chemical properties. The two liquids will separate into distinct layers, with the petrol floating above the water due to its lower density. It is not a safe practice as mixing them can pose a fire hazard.

What would happen to a motor vehicle and fluids transported in an unpressurised plane cabin?

Nothing, it will be fine.

What would happen if cholera wasn't treated?

You die of dehydration from continually excreting too many fluids.