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Q: What would occur when light is reflected from a rough or unpolished surface?
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What happens when light is reflected?

Reflections occur when light bounces of a smooth and shiny surface. Glass mirrors have a thin layer of silver on the back so that light is reflected.

Reflection is when light what?

Reflections occur when light bounces of a smooth and shiny surface. Glass mirrors have a thin layer of silver on the back so that light is reflected.

How will light hitting a solid surface be reflected back?

when a light ray is thrown on a PLANE surface two things occur which cause light to reflect 1- the incident ray is equal to the reflected ray 1- the incident ray , the reflected ray and the normal, at the point of incidence, all lie at the same plane

When we can see none of the reflected light from the Moon's surface?

That happens when we're looking straight at the 'back' of the moon ... the entirehalf of its surface on which the sun is not shining. That's the "New Moon" phase,and it's also the only time when a solar eclipse can occur.

Is there a word for light refraction?

The word is rainbow. Rainbows occur when light is reflected inside droplets of water and then refracted out into the air.

What is reflected waves?

A reflected wave is a wave that bounces off a surface. For example, if you throw a stone in a pond, reflected waves occur when the ripples meet the shore and begin to travel back towards the stone.

When does earthshine occur?

Sunlight reflected from Earth, especially that reflected onto the dark side of the Moon. For a few days before and after each new moon, this doubly reflected light is powerful enough to make the whole Moon visible, producing the effect, in the case of the new moon, of "the new moon holding the old moon in her arms."

When did science know that the moon is reflected light?

I'd imagine this idea would occur soon after the first eclipse.

What is the science behind a reflection?

Like in a mirror? A reflection in terms of light is the interaction of electromagnetic waves (light) with electrons at the surface of the reflecting material. Reflections also occur with other types of waves, such as sound or waves on water. Whenever wave energy makes contact with a material surface, it is either reflected, absorbed or transmitted through the material.

What is the prerequisite of bouncing and bending light?

Light is normally not thought of as "bouncing" but being reflected."Bending" is called refracting when it comes to light and is caused by the light going through materials with different optical densities (air, water, and glass, though all clear, have different optical densities - indexes of refraction).Reflection can occur when two materials with sufficient differences of index of refraction are at a surface and the light hits them at an angle that is greater than a certain value - total internal reflection. Reflection can also occur when light hits a surface that is sufficiently flat and that surface is made up of a material with many free electrons (such as most metals) - a mirror.

What process occur when light bounces off a smooth shiny surface?


Where in the chloroplast do light reactions occur?

The Light Dependant Reactions of photosynthesis occur on the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast.