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In prophase they begin to coil, but they forms the X shape and line up on the metaphase plate during metaphase.

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Q: Whats the phase of mitosis in which the duplicated chromosomes form an x shape?
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Phase of mitosis in which the duplicated chromosomes separate from one another?


Which period are chromosomes duplicated in?

During the cell cycle, chromosomes are duplicated during the interphase.

When are chromosome duplicate before or during mitosis?

Chromosomes are duplicated before mitisis in S phase of inter phase .

During which phase of the cell cycle are duplicated chromosomes present?

The S phase in the interphase. Chromosomes are copied in the interphase part of the cell cycle S phase would be the answer. It is during Interphase (G1, S, G2) that they are copied. SO dependant on your answers it's either interphase or S.

Do chromosomes double in mitosis?

Mitosis occurs in almost all eukaryotic cells. The duplication of chromosomes only occurs during the S phase of interphase in mitosis to form chromatids.

How does a duplicated chromosome differ from a chromatid?

Chromosomes are what make up your genetic material. During interphase when the chromosomes are duplicating, they remain attached to their duplicated with a centromere. When they are connected with their duplicate, each individual of this pair is called a chromatid. So a duplicated chromosome is made up of two chromatids which are identical to each other.

What is the phase of mitosis if chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers?

Metaphase is when chromosomes attatch to spindle fibers in the phase of mitosis.

Name the phase of cell division when duplicated chromosomes first appear?

Duplicated chromosomes first become visible during prophase.

What phase is DNA duplicated?

The S phase in the interphase. Chromosomes are copied in the interphase part of the cell cycleS phase would be the answer. It is during Interphase (G1, S, G2) that they are copied. SO dependant on your answers it's either interphase or S.

Chromosomes are duplicated during?

Organelles and chromosomes are copied during S phase and G2 phase of Interphase in Mitosis. More particuarlly, the S phase is where DNA replication occurs and the G2 phase synthesizes proteins and organelles needed in Mitosis.

Chromosomes are only present in the cell cycle during?

Chromosomes can be seen during cell divison, Reference Before a cell gets ready to divide by mitosis, each chromosome is duplicated (during S phase of the cell cycle

Phase if cell division when duplicated chromosomes first appear?
