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508000000 = 5.08 × 10^8

I guess you mean the 5.08 bit.

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Q: When 508000000 is written in scientific notation what will be the value of the decimal number?
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When 508000000 is written in scientific notation what will be the value of the exponent?

It is: 5.08*10^8 in scientific notation and the exponent of 10 is 8

How is the decimal 000054 written in scientific notation?

Do you mean 0.000054 if so then it is 5.4*10-5 in scientific notation

When 605000 is written in scientific notation what will be the value of the decimal number?

It is 6.05

Can every decimal be written in scientific notation?

Yes - you can always convert numbers to scientific notation - whether they're whole numbers, or decimals.

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Since the decimal place is between the leading nonzero digit and the adjacent digit on the right, there is no need to shift the decimal point. Therefore, 1.07 in scientific notation is: 1.07 * 100

How do you convert 5000 to scientific notation?

The term is written as: 5000.0 After 3 zeroes, there is a decimal place. To convert 5000 into scientific notation, move 3 decimal places to the left and include the base 10 to ³ to get: 5.0 x 10³ This is how you do the conversion of the scientific notation.

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727000 in scientific notation is written as 7.27 x 10^5. In scientific notation, the number is expressed as a decimal between 1 and 10, multiplied by a power of 10. In this case, the decimal is 7.27, and it is multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 5.

How do you write 150 as scientific notation?

150 can be written as 150.0. Then, move 2 decimal places to the left, and in scientific notation, we have: 1.5 x 102

What are the rules writing of scientific notation?

In scientific notation all numbers are written in the form: a*10b where a is a decimal number such that 1 ≤ a < 10 and b is an integer.

How would 238857 miles be written in scientific notation and in a regular format?

To write this number in scientific notation, you place the number of times the decimal is moved to the left as the exponent. 238857 miles, or 238,857 miles is written in scientific notation as 2.38857 X 105 miles.

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77 written in scientific notation is 7.7 × 10^1