Add the digits of the number. If the sum is 9 or divisible by 9, the number itself is divisible by 9.
Ex: 675
6 + 7+ 5 = 18
1 + 8 = 9
675 is divisible by 9.
(9 divided by 16) minus (9 divided by 20) = 0.1125
9 divided by x
? Divided by 9 = 200
what divided by 9 = 8.
9 divided by 9/4 = 4
9+4+5=18 which can be divided by 9 so 945 can be divided by nine.
Well, honey, if you're looking for a number that, when divided by 9, equals 9, you're looking for 81. 81 divided by 9 gives you 9. So, there you have it, math wizard!