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The answer depends on what a is and on what element the slider changes.

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Q: When a 0 and you move the slider for k does this change the graph any?
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The slope of the tangent line in a position vs. time graph is the velocity of an object. Velocity is the rate of change of position, and on a graph, slope is the rate of change of the function. We can use the slope to determine the velocity at any point on the graph. This works best with calculus. Take the derivative of the position function with respect to time. You can then plug in any value for x, and get the velocity of the object.

How do you find slope on a distance vs. time graph?

The slope is the change in distance between any two points divided by the change in time between them.

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deceleration can be measured from a velocity time graph by calculating the gradient of the velocity time graph if the V-t graph was linear. If the v-t graph was a curve then the differentiatial of the equation of the curve will give the deceleration variation with time.

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The slope is (change in 'y' produced by a change in 'x') divided by (change in 'x' that produces it). The slope of any horizontal line on the graph is zero because the value of 'y' is the same everywhere on the line. No matter how much you change 'x' along the line, 'y' never changes.

What must be true about the average rate of change between any two points on the graph of an increasing function?

if a function is increasing, the average change of rate between any two points must be positive.

What variables are shows on the graph?

Any variables can be shown on a graph.

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Any graph can use percentages.

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A continuous graph.

How do you measure slope?

It is the derivative of the vertical change relative to the horizontal change - if the derivative exists. So, with the typical x-y graph, it would be dy/dx. If the graph is a straight line, then it is the change in the vertical positions between any two points divided by the change in the horizontal positions between the same two points (in the same order).