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the base

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Q: When a number is written in eponential form the number that is used as a factor is what?
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What is the factor and the eponential form of 125?

The factors of 125 are: 1 5 25 125 125 = 53

The repeated factor of a number written in exponential form?

The exponent tells how many times the base is repeated as a factor.

What is the repeated factor of a number written in exponential form?

A repeated factor, f, of a number, n, written in exponential form denotes how many times n divides f. If n divides f t times, then f^t is a factor of n. Ex. The number 192 has a prime factorization 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3 which can be written as 2^6, 3 where (2^6)(3) = 192

What is the factor form of 19?

Its factor are 1 and 19 because it is a prime number

What is a scale written as a ratio in simplest form?

scale factor

What is the number 500000 in written form?

The number 500,000 in written form is five-hundred thousand.

When a number is written in exponential form what is the number that is used as a factor?

When we multiply two or more numbers we call them factors, and the result a product. If we multiply the same number a several time, we call it a repeating multiplication, where the factor is the number itself. For example, 5*5*5*5*5*5. In this multiplication the number 5 (or the factor 5) appears 6 times. We use the exponential form 56 as a short hand to represent this repeated multiplication of 5, and we call the factor 5 the base, and the number of its appearances in the multiplication, 6, the exponent.

What is factor tree of a number?

A factor tree of number is (I think) the numbers that multiply together to form a product. They are prime numbers, too.

What is a scale written without units in simplest form?

scale factor

What is a scale written as a ratio in its simplest form in math?

scale factor

What is a number written using digits?

Standard Form

What number is written in form equal to 625?

4x4x4 written in standard form