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When asked how she felt 10 years ago regarding marijuana use Cindy recalled attitudes closer to her current views than to the views she actually reported a decade earlier. This best illustrates that Cindy has matured.

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Q: When asked how she felt 10 years ago regarding marijuana use Cindy recalled attitudes closer to her current views than to the views she actually reported a decade earlier This best illustrates?
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Can persistent growing of marijuana cause mental problems?

No. Gardening is actually therapeutic for the mind not to mention marijuana plants release ALLOT of oxygen into the air which is good for your brain.

What are stereotypes regarding Cuban culture?

Banana-based diet, body language, cigar smoking, family commitments, fast music, exciting drinks, exotic dancing, loyal friendships, political involvement, quick speech, and spicy food are stereotypes regarding Cuban culture. Excepting the first and third items, the above-mentioned examples actually overlap somewhat with real-time manifestations of Cuban culture in the diaspora and on the island.

Is there a phobia name for the fear of Garden Gnomes?

Actually, there is a name for the fear of gnomes. It is gnomophobia. Though it is not as yet a recognized condition by organizations such as the APA, it does exist and has a name. It is actually not an uncommon phobia with sufferers reporting night terrors and other such problems regarding their fears. Many people suffer this phobia such as Shane (snakeskin) Robertson. He has a rash fear of garden knomes and reacts such as running in the night, sleepless night, and urinating in his pants.

Does marijuana make you depressed?

I have been an avid smoker for the past 25 year's, So I think this qualifies me to answer this, and I'm not going to be scientific. In my opinion... If I am already depressed, smoking some herb actually increases my depression, because I end up sitting there just dwelling on whatever it is that I am depressed about for 20 times longer/harder then I normally would, because of the focus aspect of marijuana (I tend to get into real deep thought, like a lot of other stoners) Smoking during a tragedy, like someone dieing doesn't make it easier (for me anyways, everyone's different) If anyone want's to add something, feel free.

Can you actually die of boredom?
