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When asked how she felt 10 years ago regarding marijuana use Cindy recalled attitudes closer to her current views than to the views she actually reported a decade earlier. This best illustrates that Cindy has matured.

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2mo ago

This best illustrates memory distortion or reconstruction, where Cindy's current beliefs are influencing her recollection of past events. This phenomenon is known as retroactive interference, where new information interferes with the recall of old memories.

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Q: When asked how she felt 10 years ago regarding marijuana use Cindy recalled attitudes closer to her current views than to the views she actually reported a decade earlier This best illustrates?
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Can persistent growing of marijuana cause mental problems?

Persistent growing of marijuana itself does not directly cause mental problems; however, the use of marijuana has been linked to potential mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and psychosis, especially in individuals who are predisposed to these conditions. It's important to consider the potential risks and consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about mental health and marijuana use.

Using verbal and nonverbal cues to interpret a speakers attitudes and emotions is often referred to as listening?

It's actually referred to as active listening. Active listening involves not only hearing the words being spoken but also paying attention to the speaker's body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions to gain a deeper understanding of their attitudes and emotions. This helps build better connections and communication between individuals.

Does marijuana make you depressed?

While some people use marijuana to help with symptoms of depression, others may experience negative effects including exacerbation of depressive symptoms. The relationship between marijuana and depression is complex and can vary depending on individual factors. It is important to consider the potential risks and benefits before using marijuana to manage depression.

What is the point in this Oedipus play?

The point of the Oedipus play is to showcase the themes of fate, free will, and the consequences of one's actions. It illustrates how trying to avoid one's destiny can actually lead to its fulfillment, and the tragic outcomes that result from ignorance and hubris. Ultimately, it serves as a cautionary tale about the limits of human control over their own lives.

What does outer self mean?

The outer self refers to the external persona an individual presents to the world, often characterized by behaviors, attitudes, and appearances that may differ from their true inner feelings and thoughts. It can be influenced by social expectations, experiences, and personal perceptions.