Euler first noticed that special lines, already well known, that cross at special points within the triangle, like the midian and angle bisector lines, that a new line can be drawn through all those special points. Im not sure when he discoverd it but this video about his life is where I seen this:
Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).Leonhard Euler (after whom it was named).
Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician and scientist in the 18th century.
Leonhard Euler was born on April 15, 1707.
Leonhard Euler was born in Basel, Switzerland on 15 April 1707.
The first references to e were made in 1618 in a work by John Napier - though it was not, at the time, called e. Leonhard Euler began to use the letter e for the constant in 1727, and its first use in publications came in 1736, in Euler's Mechanica.
Leonhard Euler has 1 brother,Johann Heinrich Euler and 2 sisters,Maria MagdalenaandAnna Maria.
Leonhard Euler
Leonhard Euler married Katharina Gsell, daughter of Swiss painter Georg Gsell.
i think Archimedes was the first to discover pi (3.14) or leonhard euler by brichelle xD
Leonhard Euler.
Leonhard Euler