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Thales discovered static electricity by rubbing a peice of amber against a silk cloth.

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Q: When did thales of milletus discover electricity?
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Who was the first to discover electricity?

Benjamin Franklin was the first to discover electricity.

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When was static electricity first discovered?

i have no idea? i know that thales was the first to discover static electricity.

How thales experiment produced static electricity?

How the Thales experiment produced static electricity

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Did thales discover the 5 theorems of geometry?

Yes Thales did in fact he was credited for it "swagg boo"

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How was electricity invetend?

Thales of miletus conducted first experiments on static electricity.Then we can say that it was he how discovered electricity

When did the Ancient Greeks discover electricity?

The Greeks discovered that if amber was rubbed it could produce sparks. They thought it was a special property of amber. The Greek word for amber was Elektron, hence the modern word.

What did Thales of Miletus discover?

While he realized that the material world was reducible to a single element, Thales mistakenly supposed this to be water.

Who was the first discover electricity?

Benjamin Franklin was the first to discover electricity.

How did Thales create static electricity be accident?

Thales discovered static electricity accidently in 585 BC when he rubbed by chance fur and amber and observed that with it he could attract very light weighted objects like feathers etc.