Thales discovered static electricity by rubbing a peice of amber against a silk cloth.
Electricity was not made by one person, it was made by several inventors, scientists and researchers. Thales, Miletus, Gilbert, Cardno and Von Guericke all had an important role in this invention.angeleyez410, Answers Expert | |Then again, this answer might help you...Electricity is known to human from years. It was first experienced by Franklin. However practical use of electricity discovered by Thomas Edison
He discovered that frogs legs convulsed when touched by metal that was charged by electricity.
Edison pushed hard for DC power as a main stay for power generation. Tesla was the inventor of AC generators. Edison learned, over the years, how much better AC was over DC. He admited this many years later, as being his greatest shortcoming in vision.
Electricity wasn't "invented" - it is a natural occuring force of nature. It was harnessed for use on larger scales in the 1800's, but there is enough evidence that primitive batteries were used in ancient civilizations.
God. But man learned to harness it. Benjamin Franklin learned about it too. Edison workes with it. Lots of people combiined. But God invented (created) it. No one 'invented' it, it was discovered - by Ben Franklin (as is generally accepted).
Thales of Miletus is said to have discovered static electricity around 600 BCE. He observed that when amber was rubbed with fur, it attracted lightweight objects like feathers.
The concept of electricity was known to ancient cultures, but Benjamin Franklin is often credited with discovering electricity as a discrete form of energy through his famous kite experiment in 1752.
Static electricity was first discovered in ancient Greece around 600 BCE by Thales of Miletus when he observed that amber (a fossilized tree resin) could attract lightweight objects after being rubbed.
Yes Thales did in fact he was credited for it "swagg boo"
Thales of Miletus is credited with being one of the first to observe the properties of static electricity. However, the term "electricity" itself was coined later by William Gilbert in the 16th century.
The Greeks discovered that if amber was rubbed it could produce sparks. They thought it was a special property of amber. The Greek word for amber was Elektron, hence the modern word.
Thales' experiment involved rubbing amber with fur, creating friction that transferred electrons from the fur to the amber. This resulted in the amber gaining a negative charge, while the fur became positively charged. The separation of charges created static electricity.
While he realized that the material world was reducible to a single element, Thales mistakenly supposed this to be water.
Thales of miletus conducted first experiments on static electricity.Then we can say that it was he how discovered electricity
Thales discovered static electricity accidently in 585 BC when he rubbed by chance fur and amber and observed that with it he could attract very light weighted objects like feathers etc.