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Q: When dividing by monomial's what is the first step to take to simplify the expression?
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First, this is an expression, not an equation. As far as simplifying it, it's pretty much simplified as much it can be.

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To find the value of (n-2)^2 + n-1 when n=4, we simply substitute 4 for n in the expression: (n-2)^2 + n-1 When we do this, the expression becomes: (4-2)^2 + 4-1 Now we need to simplify the expression within the parentheses first. The expression within the parentheses is (4-2)^2, which means we need to subtract 2 from 4 and then square the result. So, we get: 2^2 Which equals 4. Now we can substitute this value back into the original expression to get: 4 + 4-1 Next, we simplify the expression 4-1, which equals 3. So, the expression becomes: 4 + 3 And we can simplify that further to get: 7 So, when n=4, the value of (n-2)^2 + n-1 is 7

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Think of the saying,"Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally." You solve inside the parentheses first, then exponents, multlipication/division, and finally addition/subtraction.

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Re-write it properly first, in all-algebraic language: ' 7 + 8j + 7 -2j ' Now put like terms together: ' 7 + 7 +8j - 2j ' Then simplify by doing the arithmetic: ' 14 + 6j. ' And there you are!

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You need to get rid of the brackets first and then simplify it from there. Hope i helped

How can you simplfy the sum of a fraction?

First you add the fractions, then you see if you can simplify the result. You simplify it just as you would simplify any other fraction.

How do you divide a fraction by another fraction?

Poem To Divide Fractions :Dividing fractions is easy as pie flip the second then multiply !~Never flip the first!!!!!!!!!!Ex: 1/7 Divided by 1/5 = 1/7 Divided by 5/1 < you flip the second= 5/7Then Simplify(if told) till you cant simplify No more. :)