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Not always. There are times when division of fractions results in a non-improper fraction.

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Q: When dividing fractions does the answer always end with an improper fraction?
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Related questions

What happens when you divide a fraction by itself?

When you divide a fraction by itself, the result is always 1. This is because dividing any number by itself is equal to 1.

Are improper fractions always greater than 1?

Yes. That's the definition of an improper fraction. If it's not greater than ' 1 ', then it isn't an improper fraction.

Why is 5 over 5 an improper fraction?

5/5 is an improper fraction, because it is the same as saying 1. Yes. 5/5 is an improper fraction. Improper fractions are fractions with greater numerator than denominator or with the same numerator and denominator. Thus, improper fractions when changed to decimals are always greater than one or exactly equal to one. 5/5 is exactly equal to one, thus it is an improper fraction.

What is the simalarites betweenproer and improper fractions?

Both proper and improper fractions have a numerator and a denominator. In a proper fraction the numerator is always less than the denominator. In an improper function the numerator is greater than the denominator

Is a mixed number irrational?

no No; a mixed number is rational. Irrational means it cannot be written as a fraction, but mixed numbers can always be written as (improper) fractions. *By the way, improper fractions are still fractions, despite their degrading name! It just means the fraction's numerator is larger than its denominator.

Can be the improper fractions less than 1?

Improper fractions are always > 1. Reason, the numerator (top) is always larger than the denominator(bottom). NB Improper fractions is the correct term for 'Top Heavy' fractions.

What are tha different kinds of fraction?

there are 3 types of fractions proper,improper,mixed proper fractions:-numerator is less than denominator like-2/3,5/7,6/9 improper fractions:- numerator is greater than denominator like-3/2,5/4,9/7 mixed fractions:-always improper fractions are converted to mixed fractions,mixed fractions are combination of proper fractions and whole numbers like-2.2/7,5.3/7

How do you mutiply a fraction using the volume?

the same way you always multiply fractions. Change mixed numbers into improper fractions, multiply all numerators to get a new numerator, multiply all denominators to get a new denominator, then reduce the fraction.

How do you change proper fractions to mixed numbers?

do you mean from a fraction to a decimal? improper fractions can be changed into mixed numbers... 40/11 = 3 7/11 but proper fractions can only be changed to decimals... 11/40 = .275 this is because the proper fraction has no whole number value. the numerator is smaller than the denominator causing it to always be less than "1" so when dividing there is only a percentage of "1" and not a whole number with a remainder.

When you are dividing two fractions how come your answer is bigger than 1?

The answer is always bigger than one only if the fraction you are dividing by is smaller than the fraction you are dividing into. Any number divided by a smaller number is bigger than 1. To divide fractions you invert he demominator and multiply: 1/2 divided by 1/4 = 1/2 times 4 = 2

What numberis an improper fraction always greater tahn?

An improper fraction is greater than or equal to 1.

Does dividing by equivalent fractions always result in the same answer How?

yes it does