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when ther is no number

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Q: When do you need to use a variable when writing an expression?
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Translate the phrase into a variable expression. Use the letter d to name the variable. If necessary use the asterisk ( ) for multiplication and the slash ( ) for division.?

Translate the following phrase into a variable expression. Use the letter d to name the variable. …7 times the distance

Explain how you know to use a variable in an addition or subtraction expression?

that we can use it

What do you call replacing a variable in an expression by a number?

A variable is a letter that represents a number. An expression that contains at least one variable is called variable expression, also called algebraic expression. A variable expression has one or more terms. A term is a number, a variable, or a product of numbers and variables. For example,3(x^2)y + 2xy + x - 7 is a variable expression, where you have 4 terms.When working with variable expression, you often use the substitution principle:If a = b, then a may be replaced by b in any expression.The set of numbers that a variable may be represent is called replacement set, or domain, of the variable. To evaluate a variable expression, you replace each variable with one of its values and simplify the numerical expression that results.Example: Evaluate the expression 2x - 4y for x = 5 and y = -9.Solution:2x - 4y= 2(5) - 4(-9)= 10 + 36=46

Nine more than a number write in pharse as an algebric expression use x for variable in your expression?

(x + 9)

What does the variable represent in an addition or subtraction expression?

it is the number you would use to solve the problem

How do you write ten dollars more than twice your savings as a variable expression?

we will use the variable 's' to represent your savings: 2s+10

What is the algebraic expression for 58 less than a number?

In this case, you'll have to use a variable. Variables are basically a symbol which stands for a number. Let's use the variable "m". You're searching for 58 less than a number. That is basically just "word form" for a number, or a variable, minus 58. So if we use the variable "m", the expression will be m-58. Remember that you can use any variable you want.

What best explains the expression writing is rewriting?

You could use an analogy to best explain the expression writing is rewriting. You could say it is like Deja Vu from your head to the paper.

What reduces an equation that has two variables to an equation that has one variable. It is then possible to find the solution for this variable.?


Write the phrase as a variable expression. Use x to represent "a number."The sum of a number and 138?

x + 138

How do you write 25 less than a number for algebric expression?

Subtract 25 from whatever variable you use for "a number". If your number is "x", then the expression becomes "x - 25".

What is the algebraic expression for the product of 14 times a number?

Assuming you call your number "n", the expression would be "14n". You can replace "n" with whatever variable you want to use.