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Decimals are used when representing numbers that are not whole. Such as 1.5, which equals one and one half.

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Q: When do you use decimals in math?
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Related questions

What jobs use converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions?

A math teacher or a mathematician.

How does a vet use math in their job?

they use math by counting doses, and they also used fractions, decimals, and basic arithmatic.

What specific types of math do dermatologists use?

Decimals and whole numbers

What kind of math do accountants use for example using decimals?

Fractions and Percents.

What types of math do carpenters use?

Mostly geometry, adding, subtracting fractions and decimals.

How does bank tellers use math?

Bank tellers use ALOT of math. Decimals: bank tellers use demicals everyday to find the exact amount of money in someones banking account. also they use decimals to calculate money that doesnt quite make a whole dollar.

When can a book have decimals?

a book can have decimals when the person is doing math in the book

Banking contains decimals because banking is about math decimals is also a method of math but im talking about fractoin decimals but dont blame me if im wrong?

This is not a question.

How does basic facts help you in math?

They help you becuse you mostly use it in decimals ,división,and other chapters

How does a fashion designer use math in their profession?

Fashion designers need to measure the fabric they use. They use fractions and decimals to figure how much they need.

What does regrouping mean in math with decimals?

Regrouping in math with decimals simply refers to the term used addition or subtraction when either carrying or borrowing is involved.

Can there be 2 decimals in a math fraction?
