Bank tellers use ALOT of math.
Decimals: bank tellers use demicals everyday to find the exact amount of money in someones banking account. also they use decimals to calculate money that doesnt quite make a whole dollar.
Bank tellers need to know subtraction and addition. and multiplicaiton and division. (arithmetic)
I am not certain but I am pretty sure to be a bank teller you have to gat a a-level in math. But as I said, I am not certain. I hope this is a bit of help.
Yes. Bank tellers deal with numbers all day, and even though they use computers to do the addition and subraction etc, they have to know exactly what they are doing to the extent that they could do it all without the computer.
a bank tellers make more than 20,000 a year
Credit Union Bank tellers earn the same salary as bank tellers.
Bank tellers
Bank tellers and clerks typically need, at minimum, a high school education.
Like any other being in existence bank tellers make mistakes! We're not perfect, neither is anyone else!