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If b is the constant in y=mx+b then lines of the type y=b have no slope (because m=0) and are parallel to the x-axis (i.e. horizontal).

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Q: When exploring linear equations right in the form of y equals b lines in graph form what is true about the lines and why?
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Do linear equations form a line?

Yes, the graph of a linear equation can be a line. There are special cases, sometimes trivial ones like y=y or x=x which are linear equations, but the graph is the entire xy plane. The point being, linear equations most often from a line, but there are cases where they do not.

When will be the linear equations a1x plus b1y plus c1 equals 0 and a2x plus b2y plus c2 equals 0 has unique solution?

When (the graph of the equations) the two lines intersect. The equations will tell you what the slopes of the lines are, just look at them. If they are different, then the equations have a unique solution..

How can you tell if a graph is a linear function?

The word linear means in a straight line. If the graph is a line, it is linear. Also, linear equations are of the first order; they contain a variable but not a square (or higher power) of a variable. If the equation contains x2 it is not linear.

If a system of linear equations has no solution then the graph of the two equationsmust be what kind of line?


How are linear equations similar or different from functions?

A linear equation is a specific type of function that represents a straight line on a graph. While all linear equations are functions, not all functions are linear equations. Functions can take many forms, including non-linear ones that do not result in a straight line on a graph. Linear equations, on the other hand, follow a specific form (y = mx + b) where the x variable has a coefficient and the equation represents a straight line.

Related questions

Why is linear equations called linear equations?

Because its linear and the equation is a problem to solve

What are ways to represent linear equations?

One of the most common ways to represent linear equations is to use constants. You can also represent linear equations by drawing a graph.

Do linear equations form a line?

Yes, the graph of a linear equation can be a line. There are special cases, sometimes trivial ones like y=y or x=x which are linear equations, but the graph is the entire xy plane. The point being, linear equations most often from a line, but there are cases where they do not.

What are the linear systems?

A "system" of equations is a set or collection of equations that you deal with all together at once. Linear equations (ones that graph as straight lines) are simpler than non-linear equations, and the simplest linear system is one with two equations and two variables.

When will be the linear equations a1x plus b1y plus c1 equals 0 and a2x plus b2y plus c2 equals 0 has unique solution?

When (the graph of the equations) the two lines intersect. The equations will tell you what the slopes of the lines are, just look at them. If they are different, then the equations have a unique solution..

Why are linear equations infinite?

When you graph a linear equation, you make a line. A line continues infinitely.

How do you use slope to graph linear equations?

Aidan beavis perera

Compare the symbolic method for solving linear equations to the methods of using a table or graph?

Equations = the method

Y equals 2 Graphing Linear Equations?

The graph would be a horizontal line crossing the y axis at "2". This means that x can be any number.

Is this statement true or false A system of linear equations is a set of two or more equations with the same variables and the graph of each equation is a line?

The statement "A system of linear equations is a set of two or more equations with the same variables and the graph of each equation is a line" is true.

What outcome is not possible for the graph of a system of two linear equations?

the equation graphs

Why are linear equations called linear?

It deals with lines on a graph, part of an ordered pair ,a steady increase in resultant answer