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Yes, unless the decimal (not desimal!) terminates.

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Q: When fractions with a denominator of 7 are converted to desimalsthere are six digits that repeat?
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What is a fraction that has 6 numbers?

There are 99999 fractions with a 1-digit numerator and 5-digit denominator - 6 digits in all: though not all the fractions are different. Similarly there are 8,999,910 fractions with a 2-digit numerator and 4-digit denominator. And so on. In total, there are 3,600,009 fractions using 6 numbers.

How do you change terminating decimals into fractions?

change the denominator into 10 or 100 etc. according to the number of decimal digits eg. 1.23 = 123/100

How can you convert decimals in to fractions and get the answer for 0.601?

0.601 = 601/1000The number of zeros after the 1 in the denominator = number of digits after the decimal point in the original decimal number.

Are all fractions rational?

Answer: Yes. Every number that you can completely write with digits, and a fraction bar or a decimal point if you need them, is rational. Answer: Yes, if the numerator and the denominator are whole numbers.

How do you turn recurring decimals into fractions?

-- Take one whole set of the digits that repeat in the decimal. Write them as the numerator of the fraction. -- For the denominator of the fraction, write a group of 9s ... the same number of them as there are digits in the numerator. -- Simplify the fraction, if possible and if you feel like it.

How are fractions are related to repeating decimals and terminating decimals?

If the denominator of the fraction has any prime factor other than 2 or 5, then it has a decimal representation with a repeating sequence of digits. If the denominator is a product of any number of 2s or 5s then it can be represented as a terminating decimal.

How to turn a fraction to a decimal?

, divide the numerator by the denominator. To change terminal decimals into fractions, count the number of decimal places, put the decimal's digits over 1 followed by the proper number of zeroes.

How do you write fraction from least to greastest?

You can compare two fractions by converting them to a common denominator - but if you need to compare several fractions, it would be easier to write each fraction as a decimal, with several digits after the decimal point, then compare the decimals. Oh Yeah And When I Have A Question No One Effen Answeres It!

How does the fraction method help explain why you can line up the decimals and add digits with the same place values to find the answer?

Example, add 0.3 + 0.5, which equals 0.8...convert these to fractions and you see they both have the same denominator: 10 so, it would be the same as 3/10 + 5/10...since they have the same denominator adding the fractions topgether would be (3+5)/10 or 8/10. This is the same result as lining up the decimals and adding the digits: 0.3 + 0.5 = 0.(3+5) = 0.8

How can i get a denominator of a decimal?

Count the number of digits after the decimal point. The denominator is 1 followed by the same number of 0s.So, for example, 12.0356 has 4 digits after the decimal place. Therefore the denominator is 10000, and the rational form is 120356/10000

How do you write 0.1504 as a fraction?

Put the digits after the decimal point as the numerator over 1 followed by the same number of zeros as digits as the denominator and simplify. In this case, the numerator is 1504 and as there are 4 digits after the decimal point the denominator is 10000.

What Examples of repeating decimal with 2 digits?

Do a division with denominator 11.