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You can compare two fractions by converting them to a common denominator - but if you need to compare several fractions, it would be easier to write each fraction as a decimal, with several digits after the decimal point, then compare the decimals.

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Q: How do you write fraction from least to greastest?
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They are: < for least and > for greatest as for example 2 < 4 and 4 > 2

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4% = 0.04 So in order of smallest to greatest we have: 4%, 0.34, 0.4, 2.3 & 3.4

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They are: -22, -6 and 11

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least to greatest = 0.0128%, 50%, 55%, 68%

What is the difference between the greastest common factor and Least commom factoror 24 and 120?

24 - 1 = 23

How do you write 15.5 as a fraction?

The number 1.55 is read as '1 and 55 one hundredths,' which is equal to the fraction 155/100. Using the least common denominator, this fraction can be 'reduced' to 31/20.