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The answer depends on the form with which you are more comfortable. The main disadvantage of using decimal fractions is that they may result in an accumulation of rounding errors.

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Q: When is it better to use a fraction a decimal or a percent?
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What is 7 over 5 as a percent?

To convert a fraction to percent you first convert the fraction to a decimal. To do that we use the method of in/out. The numerator goes inside the division sign and the deniminator goes outside. This will give you a decimal of .71428. Now you can convert the decimal to a percent by moving the decimall to the right 2 places. So, the equivalent percent to 5/7 is 71%.

What is an everyday example where a fraction is impossible to use you have to use a decimal?

There is no such example. If you cannot use an exact fraction then there will not be an exact decimal that you can use instead. And, if you are using an approximate decimal, you could use an approximate fraction instead.

How use mental math to write a decimal as a fraction?

you would take your numerator in fraction and put it behind your decimal

What is it call when change between forms of a number such as decimal to percent or fraction to decimal?

I think you can use the word "convert" in that case. I don't think there is a more specific term, for this particular type of conversion.

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To convert a percent to a fraction shift the decimal point two places to the left.35% = 0.35Now write that over 100 (use as many zeroes as there are places in the decimal) and reduce.0.35 = 35/100 = 7/20Another example: 8.5% = 0.085 = 85/1000 = 17/200.

What do we use to convert a fraction to a decimal?

You use long division.

How do you use a calculator to change a fraction to a decimal fraction?

Divide the numerator by the denominator.

What do actors use decimal for in there job?

actors and fraction

How do i convert a fraction 8 over 25 to a decimal?

To express any fraction as a decimal, use long division to divide the numerator by the denominator.

What is 26.4 percent as a decimal?

Use the dp rule decimal is on the left and percent to the right. Move the decimal two places to the left to change to a decimal. 2.64

How can you use mental math to turn a decimal into a fraction?


How do you use a number grid to show a decimal?

Graph it as a fraction