Decimals are there to show you a fraction. For example, 1 1/2 is the same as the decimal 1.5. It just shows you how close you are to a whole number in a different way than a fraction.
22/7 I think is the closest fraction you will get. By definition it is irrational, and cannot be written as fraction of integer numbers. There are a few fractions that are close approximates though. Pi cannot be technically written as a fraction. However, a fraction that is a close approximation of pi is 22/7.
That is close to 1/6.
340 is an integer, not a fraction. But, if you had to write it as a fraction, you could use 340/1.
Well, honey, if the numerator is a small number and the denominator is a big number, then that fraction is gonna be pretty darn close to zero. It's all about that ratio, sweetie. So, just keep an eye on those numbers and you'll see when that fraction is practically kissing zero goodbye.
314159265 / 100000000 = 3.14159265
Decimals are there to show you a fraction. For example, 1 1/2 is the same as the decimal 1.5. It just shows you how close you are to a whole number in a different way than a fraction.
The fraction .87 is very close to 7/8 which is .875
22/7 I think is the closest fraction you will get. By definition it is irrational, and cannot be written as fraction of integer numbers. There are a few fractions that are close approximates though. Pi cannot be technically written as a fraction. However, a fraction that is a close approximation of pi is 22/7.
It can be but between any fraction and -1, there will be infinitely more fractions which are nearer.
45.4545%= 0.454545= 45/99 or 5/11 in fraction
0.333 written as a fraction is 333/1000, which is close to 1/3
A fraction is close to zero if the numerator is small or if the denominator is large, or both.
That is close to 1/6.
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